A downloadable avatar asset

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A Latex Outfit & Hoods Made for Winterpaw's VRChat Canine ( https://juliawinterpaw.gumroad.com/l/canine )


  • Latex Body Textures (In Black, White and Sci-Fi Prison Theme) 
  • 2x Latex Hoods (With eye-holes and blinded) 
  • Null Bulge 
  • Back Zipper & Padlock (Padlock and Zipper handles in their own little armature)

The Mesh Items have avatar matching blendshapes/shapekeys for that perfect fit (incl. visemes). Only floppy ears are not included for the Hoods

Product TOS:

  • When purchased, you confirm that you are over or at the legal age of 18 years old.
  • You are free to edit the Product contents, however you like.
  • Do not share or resell the assets in this product (commissioning for edits are fine as long as each party has purchased a copy).
  • Do not upload as public.
  • Do not claim the assets in this product as your own.
  • Refunds are not possible due to this being a digital product and isn't possible to be returned.
  • We are not responsible for any misuse to the assets or not following TOS with any platform rules.
  • If purchasedYou may use the assets in this product to take screenshots, draw art or make videos, please credit us if able.


Buy Now14.95€ EUR or more

In order to download this avatar asset you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of 14.95€ EUR. You will get access to the following files:

JuWi_MasculineCanine_LatexOutfit&Hood.rar 75 MB


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Hi there. Got a question for ya. I use a modified version of the original Canine model which includes way more muscle mass and different tail than the one shown in the pics. Will i be able to still use this product of yours?

Thank you in advance.

If the mesh and UV is still the same, you should be able to use this. Back zipper might need work, though?

Alrighty i will check it out thank you very much.

I just purchased this on Gumroad. I didn't realize beforehand it was ONLY the textures and a Blender file rather than a prefab or unity package. Do you have any sort of tutorial or instructions to make it usable in Unity? 

You combine the suit body textures to the avatars own body textures using GIMP/PS.

A prefab isn't possible, since that would require including the avatar itself which is not something I can do for obvious reasons.

I read the reply to the creator, but didnt help much. Have been working on this since this morning, still trying to work it out in unity, blender and photoshop.
Have been looking for help on forums, youtube and google. 
It's easy for those who know's how its done, but i'm still clueless for how to apply assets/ a suit on the avatar. Making a short video explaining/showing, would help your customers by a lot.. 
I'm just left with a frustrated mind and somewhat new blender knowledge

To combine the latex texture in PS/GIMP you: 

  1. Open the avatars original body *.png texture in GIMP/PS 
  2. Go to the folder where you've exported the latex texture from the *.rar and drag that over to PS/GIMP until GIMP/PS opens, still hold unto the texture until you've brought your cursor over to the main texture (cursor should have a PLUS on it (at least in GIMP) and release. This should now create a new layer where the latex material is on top of the original avatar texture: Export as PNG, preferable under a new name so it doesn't overwrite the original!

To combine the latex body mesh parts with the avatar involves Appending in Blender:

In short, you bring the latex outfit meshes to the original avatar *.blend file, so to begin first open the avatars original *.blend file. Then save that as a copy (just in case).

A tutorial on how to Append in blender: 

The actual instructions on the posted tutorial on how to Append starts at 1:30. In this case when you've selected the intended *.blend file, only bring what's in the Objects folder.

When appending rigged meshes in this case, it will always bring its armature, thus creating a copy of it. So, with the original avatar *.blend file you now append from the latex outfit *.blend file its parts (Hoods, back zipper, nulges, etc.) But, since they have their own armature you'll need to reassign them to the avatars own armature.

To do this, you select the intended mesh to reassign, let's start with the back zipper. If you can't see it such as if the avatar is in the way you can rotate your view in blender by holding the middle-mouse-button. Selected meshes/objects are haloed in orange, so make sure the zipper is displayed as such. Now with the zipper selected, you'll go to the little blue wrench icon to the right side of Blender, this is the Modifiers tab where you should find the Armature modifier.

On the Armature modifier is a field titled Object. Since the Appending brought a copy of the original Armature, it has been renamed "Armature.001", you'll want to re-assign it to "Armature". Now do the same to the rest of the latex outfits meshes Except the zipper handles and padlock as that's using its own armature (done this way in case people want to give them dynamic bones).

Now since the armatures are being reassigned, if you want the zipper handles and padlocks to be included you're going to have to Parent the zipper handles bones to the avatars Armatures Chest bone. Instructions on how to Parent objects or bones to another bone can be read here: http://dense13.com/post/blender-parent-object-to-bone/

The instructions doesn't mention how actually to go into Pose Mode with an Armature, but I'll tell you! With the armature selected you go to the upper-left corner of Blender you'll see a field reading "Object Mode", click that and you'll get a drop-down list of actions, the lowermost option reads "Pose Mode".

When all's done, you should be ready to export FBX, make sure to un-tick "Add Leaf Bones" in the Armature section of the FBX export window to avoid making unnecessary extra bones.

As for combining it in Unity, let alone making a unitypackage, you may have to refer to tutorials on that as I've never even set foot on VRChat. Resonite is easier, just import the *.blend file that you've just worked so hard on!

Good luck!

I really appreciate the time and effort you took to write this, I did try my best, believe i got a little further, but still to no luck/final results. 
I sat up till 3am yesterday, write the comment and have been trying to do what you wrote above this morning. 
I wanted to manage it myself, without complaining.. But i give up :c 
Anyways, great product and work you do. It surely looks amazing on the pictures :)

Sorry I couldn't help, I tried to be as concise as possible with that tutorial. I hope you find VRC friends who can help you!

When I try to Append I get an error in the info Log that says the .blend file is not a Library.

Did you try and Append the whole blend file? You need to specify what to append. So once you've selected the blend file, you should get a list of elements to append in folders, choose Objects and open that, then start picking the meshes you want to Append.

Hello there! I was gifted this asset by someone I am working on a commission for and the quality is fantastic! I did have a question for you, would it be possible to make all of the textures onto one UV? From experience, this could be very heavy to others in a lobby, especially when a good portion of the textures are set to 4096. I think the asset the way it's set up is for greater customization, however if it were possible to condense it, would you be able to? Thanks in advance!

Only textures that are 4K are the body textures, which are originally so for the avatar. I don't know of any way to cramming all of that into a single 'atlas' texture, though. You could try reducing the resolution of them using GIMP/PS?